Friday, November 18, 2016

Temperature-controlled Packaging for Proper monitoring

Temperature-controlled packaging is a new tool that helps to protect the items that you’re shipping out. whether it’s food, medicines, or perishables, this type of packaging protects all of this.

It allows you to as well maintain the product integrity while also ensuring regulatory compliance. Here, we’ll go over some of the aspects that come with temperature controlled materials. 

Materials for temperature-controlled packaging 

Temperature-controlled packaging utilizes various insulation materials. This is used to protect and house the items, and also to ensure that it stays this temperature. It keeps the area around the food at a certain level, and in turn, will ensure that the packaging is kept intact as well.

With this type of packaging, there might be ice packs added to this as well.   Sometimes the box might have an ice pack attached to it, or it might encase the encase item in ice, and then after it’s unwrapped and the foam excess is taken out, you then get the item.   This type of means is used for when food needs to travel a long distance, and you also want to make sure it’s kept intact.

There are also cold-chain logistics. These are various logistics that ensure that you get the items kept cold. For instance, trucks that can transport the product from one location to the next, keeping it nice and cold, is a prime example of this. It does wonders, and also protects the item from getting too cold. 

It is good to have, especially since it can be simple for a lot of people to use. When you partner with some logistical companies, you’ll be able to make sure that you keep everything in its rightful place. 

Other Temperature Sensitive Packaging 

You can also get temperature-sensitive packaging that works in other ways.   It is very tech-focused in many cases, and with the advent of smart technology, it is smart to get these high-tech containers. They will tell you if something’s gone bad, and if there is anything going wrong with the items that you have.

There are other insulated pouches that are used too. they can be used to keep the items warm too, as another means. They may also keep the item at an exact temperature, neither warm nor cold, and it can keep a temperature-controlled environment. 

The Perks 

With this type of packaging, it ensures that product safety and freshness is possible in all sorts of industries. Health and food industries benefit from this, and it can be really good for anyone who is interested in this.   

It can definitely be something that you should use if you’re going to be shipping out items that need to stay cold. A lot of medicines need this controlled environment for a multitude of reasons. If you keep that, you’ll be able to make sure that the items go to others in a way that’s high-quality, and keeps the item nice and fresh.

However, it does take some logistical evaluation before you start this. for one, it costs a lot. It can be a whole lot to set this up. keep this in mind when you put this together.

Environmental concerns are another. If you’re shipping to hot or cold environments, you may need to adjust your packaging accordingly.

Finally, there are transit time constraints. You only have so long to get the item to customers, so if you’re unable to make sure that the item gets to customers, make sure that you have alternative means, or maybe rush shipping to make sure that it goes to the customer in time.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Enhancing the unboxing experience with Custom Boxes

Unboxing is a process that involves taking items you’ve purchased out of boxes, and then packaging them in a manner that makes customers enjoy it.When customers receive it, technically they’re unboxing, where they find the product and take it out. But unboxing differs from each type of experience, with some being far more impactful than others can be.

You will see some unboxing videos where customers open up so many unique gadgets, and a ton of influencers love to take videos of these. Some of them can even go viral, taking your brand to a whole different level. 

Why Unboxing is Important

Unboxing is so important because, when customers get products, you give them something to cherish. Businesses thrive on happy and repeat buyers, as it creates memorable experiences. 

For those owning ecommerce businesses, various interactions will help to build your reputation. Unboxing is one of the easiest ways for you to make your reputation spread like wildfire. 

Think of it. a boring cardboard box won’t give your brand the pizzas that it deserves, and the best approach that you should use to wow customers and get them to buy your products is to do this, because you’ll be able to jumpstart all of those benefits and persuade customers if you give them something they love. 

So how do you make the unboxing experiences so much better than before? Well, here’s a few ways to make it shine! 

Look at the Box Exterior 

The first part is well, the outside box. While plain boxes are cheaper, you’re missing out on creating an impact! 

Branded boxes help to establish the recognition you want, and with eye-catching unique design that will align with the brand, customers will feel the inspiration to share your videos and images all across social media.

Even if someone forgets to mention the place they purchased products, it will become apparent on the packaging by encouraging anyone that sees this to make purchases. 

Branded boxes also ensure that customers know immediately who they’re getting packages from the moment they arrive.   You’ll be able to show them that yes, you do put through into it, and it creates purchasers that will do so again and again within the future. 

Make the Interior Immersive. 

You might think it’s just the outside to worry about. No, that’s not the case, and you need the interior as well, as it will help with expansion of the narrative of personalized and immersive retail experiences. You can also make the consumers feel really special and celebrated by your company.  

Some of the things you can do with the interior design include: 

  • Have handwritten personalized notes to the customer inside, prefab on branded or special paper. 

  • Use tissue paper and filler to create a fun display of your stuff 

  • Business cards and various promotional material in order to give customers extra encouragement, and they feel special about purchasing from you once more. 

Emphasize your Presentation 

Finally, make the presentation matter. It says so much about your company if you give slovenly types of experiences to customers, and you want to give them something they will indeed take pride in.  This little action builds a better, more lasting impression, encouraging them to share all of this through social media. It looks really good, so having it arranged is fun. 

You can use all of this to make your own personalized experience all the better, and it will in turn not just build good customers for the here and now, but for the future too. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Sustainable Packaging Approaches

If you’re looking to try new packing options, having sustainable packaging is one of the best ways to do this, and here, we’ll talk about the best approaches you should have for your packaging to be really sustainable. 


Cardboard is one of the best supplies for the industry, and there are tons of cardboard boxes that offer sustainability compared to normal boxes, and it can be used again and again. There are great ways to use cardboard boxes, all of which include: 

  • School projects such as stationery, and eve organization 

  • Shipping stuff

  • Material for outdoor supplies and gardens 

It can be used as well again, but you need to be careful with it and be mindful of how you use it, to properly save the planet and take care of it. 

Recycling The Cardboard 

If you do need to use cardboard, it’s best to recycle it rather than trash it. But you should know how to recycle it correctly too, as doing so incorrectly creates greenhouse and methane gases when it’s sent out to the landfill. That creates more carbon emissions, which are much more powerful. So how do you recycle this? Well, do the following: 

  • Get all of your cardboard to recycle

  • Take it to the planet and when you’re there, sort it into the material, and also have it set up for boxboard or corrugated board

  • The material will then be soaked so that it’s broken down and creates a pulp sensation

  • The pulp gets filtered and stripped by removing the dyes and materials that are foreign 

  • The new materials are then mixed up with the pulp that’s cleaned, and then formed into sheets that are solid and are rescued 

This is pretty good, but if you want to try doing this, you can also use custom poly bags that are made of plastic. 

Plastic custom bags 

Plastic custom bags are usually recyclable and reusable, and it uses brown kraft paper that’s also biodegradable as well. They also have films that are used on the poly bags which are printed, and they offer a more reusable type of option, including non-woven polypropylene bags that are good for the environment too. If you want to use plastic bags, they can be recycled too, but the process is a bit different. You should: 

  • Remove anything within the bags so that they’re empty, and anything left inside needs to be removed so that it doesn’t contaminate the bags 

  • Keep it together and collected in one bin, fitting a dozen bags into one bag 

  • Have everything that’s #2 polyethylene or thinner, and also a low-density #4 symbol located on them. 

  • If it doesn’t have those, you will want to reuse, since those will not be recyclable 

  • Get as much use possible out of the bag before you discard it 

With that in place, it’s important to consider plastic bags along with custom cardboard boxesYou should, as a company try to offer the best and easiest ways to actually approach the sustainability process, and if you want to make a real good first impression with your products, you can do this with the right products, and the right sustainability 

If you are running a business, having one that’s sustainable and easy to use, and also offers a lot of great benefits right there waiting for you, is something good, and it’s something that, with all of this in place, can really make a difference, and can help your business in many ways for you as well.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Invisible Ink for Packaging

Invisible ink is great for a variety of reasons. It works well, especially for hidden messages your packaging might have. If you want to leave something for those who shine it under a black light that others can’t see, it will work great.

Another reason is for security codes.   For sensitive packaging, offering the security code in invisible ink means that there’s no chance of someone tampering with the item, since unless they know it’s there, they won’t use it.

Finally, it works for branding elements, offering customer interaction. It helps to ensure that someone’s getting a legitimate product when they purchase from you. Overall, invisible ink is good, and with a lot of potential uses, it’s something to consider for high-security products. 


The best way to use this is for anything that needs the extra protection. 

High-value shipments are one example. These shipments are going to be easy targets for thieves and tampering, so you want to make sure that you have high-value shipments in invisible ink for your products.   It’s important for a lot of reasons, and something to consider.

Event-based promotions are another. If an event is happening, having a promotion in invisible ink that says when to put it up, and any sorts of possible logistics that might be there is also good to consider. 

Finally, you’ve got limited-edition products. Various products that are limited edition benefit from invisible ink because it provides authenticity of the items that are in hand, which is great for adding extra peace of mind for customers too. 

Technologies that are Used 

Most of the time, they are UV reactive, which means that when you shine a blacklight on it, the code or various images will glow. 

Another one is heat-sensitive inks. These inks will react to changes in heat, so adding a heat gun and the like to this will help to really make the inks stand out, and also adds an extra layer of security, since not everyone will have it. 

The Benefits of Such 

There’s a ton of great benefits that come with this type of packaging.

First, it provides exclusivity, something that’s good for limited-edition items that are out there. when you make something exclusive for people, you’ll be able to, as a result of such, get them excited for the product. It also proves that you’re giving them something that’s just for them, again making it fun.

Another benefit is that it also deters counterfeiting, which is common for high-value items. Deterring this improves the way the product stands out, giving them something that they can trust, and provide some extra reassurance.

Finally, and this is for the customers, it enhances and provides an interactive experience. Customers are able to see the unique logos and colors that are in there, making the experience as exciting as it can be, and also gives them something to look forward to.

Future Ideas 

Some future ideas include making the ink dynamic. Dynamic ink is something that's a fun, unique experience. You can make the ink change, and it will reveal evolving designs.

Overall, invisible ink is a great idea for your packaging, and offers enhanced security and a fun experience. Consider adding invisible ink to your brand, and look for some of the different ways that you can make it really shine. Overall, once you start to build these ever-evolving designs, you’ll start to grow and become even more familiarized with this, making it a fun way for you to make not only the products that you have stand out, but also the brand itself.